Best of the Maldives: Black Sand – Conrad Rangali

Conrad Rangali - black sand

Admire the black volcanic sand imported from New Zealand on the floor, which gives a stylish counterpoint to the white sand floors throughout the rest of the resort.”

The place to celebrate New Zealand Waitangi Day today is in the Maldives is Conrad Rangali. Their distinctive plot of sand is as black as the Maldives beaches are white. The juxtaposition is sort of a geological circle of life. The black sand comes from relatively recent volcanic eruptions while the Maldives themselves are anciently defunct volcanoes.

Their marketing manager Katherine Anthony elaborates…

“Yes, the black sand in the Cheese and Wine Bar (the only place we have it) is volcanic sand from New Zealand. We liked the contrast with the white sand that we have everywhere else throughout the resort.”

Best of the Maldives: Cold Sorbet – Iru Fushi

Coco Palm Dhuni Kholu sorbet

One of the few things you do want kept freezing cold on your Maldives holiday is your ice cream dessert. A challenge to savouring ice cream is to enjoy it in hot weather when it is more “ice” than “cream”. Iru Fushi finesses this with their own dive into the cold

The sorbet is served in a double cup (glass).. a round one with ice cubes to keep the temperature and a small conic one fitting in.” (thanks Paola)

Seth-urday Buffet

Maldives Buffet

My other popular blog (I have 4) has a semi-regular piece called “Seth-urday” featuring material from Seth Godin who I have referenced here on a number of occasions as a bit of an inspiration to the whole “Best of the Maldives” section. This week, Seth published a post “The buffet problem keeps getting worse” which illustrated another perspective for my obsession with resort esoterica…

“Here’s the thinking that leads just about every all-you-can-eat buffet to trend to mediocrity. ‘Oh, don’t worry about how fresh the mashed potatoes are, after all, they’re free.’ Indeed, as far as the kitchen is concerned, each individual item on the buffet is ‘free’ in the sense that the customer didn’t spend anything extra to get that item. The problem is obvious, of course. Once you start thinking that way, then every single item on the buffet gets pretty lousy, and the next thing you know, the customers you seek don’t come…Successful organizations often beat the competition by turning the buffet problem upside down. ‘Let’s make these the best mashed potatoes in town–who knows, next time, that guy out front will bring his friends.’ The mashed potatoes aren’t free, the mashed potatoes, the wifi and everything else you do are an opportunity. The cheapest and most effective marketing you’ll do all year.”

While it is an illustrative metaphor, Maldives resort are literally dominated by buffets for much of their food service. A number of my “Best of the Maldives” pieces have indeed been buffet items picked out from obscurity for their distinction. I guess I am now on the hunt for the best mashed potatoes in the Maldives!

Best of the Maldives: Highest Mountain – Shangri-La Vilingili

Shangri-La Villingili Mount Villingili 1

Ain’t no mountain high enough…”

That just might be your feeling in the Maldives when you want to shout out your love for your beloved. And for good reason with an average elevation the lowest in the world. But on todays “Beloved Wives Day,” your highest option is Mount Villingili on the eponymous Shangri-La Villingili resort.

“The world’s smallest mountain, Mount Villingili, at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives has just been officially certified as the highest point in the Maldives, which is known for being the flattest and lowest country..Despite its humble height, it dwarfs over the previously known highest point on Addu Atoll that stands at only 2.4 metres above sea level…From 25 November 2013, visitors may conquer Mount Villingili with the opening of a daily Mount Villingili Tour. They will be issued a certificate confirming that they have climbed the islands’ highest point, a perfect memento of their trip to the Maldives.”

At a less than nose-bleeding 5.1 metres, it might be more aptly named “Mound Villingili”.


Shangri-La Mount Villingili certificate

Best of the Maldives: Full Moon Excursion – Nika

Super Moon over ocean

Another rare “Super Moon” tonight!

While the sunrise and sunset seems to be the celestial obsession of the Maldives resort, it is the moon that really seems to evoke the romance for which this part of the world is renowned. Like the eponymous “honeymoon”, which many consider the Maldives to be the capital of, the shimmering moon has been the inspiration for lovers forever.

And nothing is as heart-throbbingly magical as the bright full moon. Many resorts offer sunrise yoga and sunset cruises, but Nika offers an excursion crafted around this monthly event. Their “Full Moon Excursion” features “Swimming in the lunar path reflected in the sea. There will be a drink to celebrate this special night. 23:00 – 1:00.” (35 euros)


Best of the Maldives: Dhoni Cruise – Safari Island

Safari Island dhoni cruise

If you want the actual cruising dhoni, then the excursion word on the water is that Safari Island’s is the tops according to authority on all things Maldivian, Adrian Neville

They are the dhonis from Dhoni Island, formerly Dhoni Mighili and now Safari Island Resort (Per Aquum once ran Dhoni Mighili). They are terribly nice and certainly the best dhoni cruise around.”

Gone are the days when these vessels were the villas, but they are still a cracking cruise.

They are also graced with Sakis’ portraiture…


Safari Island dhoni cruise Sakis

Best of the Maldives: Nautical Lodging – Cocoa Island

Cocoa Isand dhoni villas


Instead of construction inspired from overseas, Cocoa Island features villas inspired from over the sea. These dhoni-inspired delights are the centrepiece of the all-water villa resort. The design makes if one of the most captivating resorts. Cocoa was one of the top resorts recommended to me by one of the Maldivian government ministers on my last visit and it is regularly featured in distinctive hotel lists like “The 100 Most Amazing, Unique, and Beautiful Hotels In The World” (one of the best lists I have come across and has inspired a short Italy getaway for Lori and I next month).