Best of the Maldives: Laser Show – Maafushivaru

Maafushivaru laser show 1

The first functioning laser was operated by Theodore H. Maiman of Hughes Research Laboratories, 45 years ago this week. Since then, its unique optical properties have been applied to everything from cutting to welding back together again. They are use for both scalpel (cutting) as well as suture. It has very profound applications (like producing holograms) as well as some more whimsical ones (eg. creating cat videos for the Internet with laser pointers).

Maafushivaru is celebrating the latter with the introduction of its night time laser light shows…

“This month Maafushivaru is delighted to present its latest addition to spruce up its evening entertainment schedule. With the existing items that range from Maldivian evenings to resident DJ playing classic dance hits and acoustic duo performing while you indulge in a feast, the laser show make its mark as the newest and liveliest of evening entertainment taking it to another level. The spectacle begins at Water Bar, where guests may seat up on bean bags or on the comfy cushions outside the deck to witness a flurry of colours that blend in motion with a selection of music composed by the in-house disc jockey. Witness the Maldivian sky dance in an array of neon green and blue as you imbibe favourite cocktails from the Water Bar. The laser show will be featured once a week after 21:00hrs. Come over and experience this unique show in the Maldives, in Maafushivaru.”


Maafushivaru laser show 2

Best of the Maldives: 5-a-Side Pitch – Ayada

Ayada - 5-a-side pitch




Today’s Commemoration of Atatürk in Turkey is celebrated with a traditional Youth and Sports Day featuring a whole host of competitions and exhibitions. Here in the Maldives, the Turkish inspired resort of Ayada offers its own distinctive sporting venue with the premier 5-a-Side pitch of the Maldives resorts complete with astro-turf and night game lighting.

Best of the Maldives: Charity Gala – Kurumba

Kurumba - party with a purpose 1

‘Tis the season. Not the season to be jolly, but “The Season” to be generous. May kicks off the start of the social “season” here in London with Ascot, Wimbledon, Henley bringing out the picnics of champagne, strawberries and cream. And the circuit of charity balls bringing out the black tie and sequined gowns for good causes.

Kurumba has joined the season-al spirit with its own fundraising “Party with a Purpose”:

On Friday 24th April Kurumba Maldives proudly hosted the fundraising event “Party with a Purpose”. This event was held for the fourth year running in aid of 72 orphaned children residing at “Kudakudhinge Hiyaa” located on Villingili island. Support from 10 different Maldivian performers, many suppliers and partners contributed to raise over US$21,000. This upcoming year, the funds will be destined to the development of the “Early Childhood Play and Development Training Programme” for caretakers, in cooperation with the local non-governmental organization ARC – Advocating the Rights for the Children, amongst other projects. Local artists volunteered their time to perform Maldivian and international tunes with bands, DJ’s and a Bodu Beru groups performing for guests’ enjoyment.”


Kurumba - party with a purpose 2

Best of the Maldives: Nurse Sharks – Huvafenfushi

Huvafenfushi - Nurse Shark 2
Photo credit – NICOLE HERZ MSc

International Nursing Day today I thought was an apropos time to call out the eponymous “creature feature” nurse shark. As dependable as those faithful healthcare workers who alleviate our suffering, the similarly calm and composed ‘Ginglymostoma cirratum’ can be found on the Huvfenfushi house reef. Even more precisely, the resident marine biologist Nicole Hertz told us we could see her under the restaurant’s decking among the support pillars. Now, we’ve had lots of snorkel guides enthuse about lots of aquatic residents and, but unfortunately we all too often don’t have the fortune to see these allegedly regular visitors. But as advertised, we swam over and the Huva nurse was sitting on the sand precisely where Nickie said she would be.

Nurse Sharks are much more nocturnally active so it was not unexpected to see her just lying there. But, when we participated in Huvafenfushi’s night time “night aquarium”, she perked to life and paid us a visit with a number of graceful passes by the window (see below).

Huvfenfushi - nurse shark spa
Watching the nurse shark at night from the underwater spa.

Huvafenfushi - Nurse Shark
Photo credit – NICOLE HERZ MSc

Best of the Maldives: Jumbo Mirrors – Jumeirah Dhevanafushi

Jumeirah Dhevanafushi - mirrors

If you want more literal self reflection, the Jumeirah Dhevanafushi is the place to go. I know I gave a nod to W Retreat’s seeing glass motif. So to fairly distinguish the two, I’m calling out Dhevanafushi’s “free standing” looking glasses. They have extensive wall mirrors too, but the more striking striking features are the framed one placed various places around the villa – The bathroom has a double sided mirror, the outdoor shower has one, the dressing room has a giant one (see photo above)

Great for vamping, less good for vampires.

Best of the Maldives: Healer – Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi healer

A segue from “sole cleansing” to “soul cleansing” (or even more unpardonable, from “heeling” to “healing”), as Soneva Fushi introduces its own Healer in Residence, Jaqueline Bourbon. She is described as a “leader in enlightening wellness experiences

“Soneva Fushi is proud to welcome Jacqueline Bourbon, its very own ‘Healer in Residence’…A fully qualified Medium, Spiritual and Shamanic Healer and Teacher, Jacqueline will offer her services to resort guests on a one-to-one basis by performing treatments such private sittings, energy readings and healing, spiritual assessments and traditional Tibetan Sound Healing…’Eva and I have worked with Jacqueline for a couple of years, and have witnessed quite how often she has a positive and life-altering affect on guests, even the most cynical ones. She is one of those highly intuitive people that come into your life rarely. She is brilliant at unlocking the past and setting people back on track for a far healthier and happier life,’ commented Sonu Shivdasani, CEO and Chairman of the Soneva Group…Jacqueline’s healing works on many levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.”

If there was ever a place for a “positive and life-altering affect” it would be the Maldives…

Best of the Maldives: Foot Washing – One & Only Reethi Rah

One and Only Reethi Rah foot washing 2



If there is anything that needs cleaning in the “no shoes” world of the Maldives and needs a bit of pampering after long haul travel, it is the piggy toes. Here Charmaine is treating Lori to a signature welcome by One & Only Reethi Rah. Foot washing is also a gesture of great respect and hospitality in many cultures with even Biblical references.

Best of the Maldives: Sunglass Cleaning – Four Seasons Kuda Huraa

Four Seasons Kuda Huraa sunglasses cleaner

International Workers Day today is a chance to celebrate the sterling work that the Maldives resort staff provide every day of the year. They do every thing from keep us safe on snorkel trips to making sure that every whim is catered for.

One of my favourite all time roles is Four Seasons Kuda Huraa “sunglasses cleaner” which we saw when we visited there (but didn’t get a picture). He even has a name a perfect as his role…“Dr. Shade”

Mohamed Shareef, 28, has been working at the Four Seasons for almost seven years… I start work by 1:30 p.m., and I walk around and repair and clean guest sunglasses. Most people love to see Dr. Shade. I wear a stethoscope and a white coat. I have some tools. Mostly I just clean the glasses, but I can fix them if I need to.”

Workers of the World Unfog!

“Marketing and Differentiation: How do you choose?”

Hotelier Maldives

I try to help.

Most of the material on Maldives Complete is aimed at helping prospective visitors to the Maldives decide on the best resort for them (my response to the question I get asked most frequently…”there is no *best* resort overall, just the ‘best’ one *for you*“). As I’ve discussed many times, I’ve leaned towards more of the underserved groups like families going to there, but over time I’ve covered just about all niches including the mainstays of honeymooners and now, especially after the Dive Site database addition, divers.

One group that I also help where I can are the resorts themselves. A number of resorts follow the “Things I Haven’t Seen Yet” series. I always have delightful, extended chats with the resort management and the Ministry of Tourism when I visit. After nearly 20 years of visiting and over 50 resorts visited, not to mention my countless hours of on-going research and input from the website fans, I have many thoughts and perspectives about the Maldivian experience.

A number of resorts will often pitch me that their resort is a “Best of the Maldives” candidate for some special feature only for me to deflate them by citing several resorts who offer the same thing. On the other hand, I always uncover unsung treats on their island that they didn’t even know was unique in the Maldives. My island tours are like mini treasure hunts for me seeking out these overlooked gems as well as missing (incomplete!) data and photos of the property.

Recently, I was invited to do a guest piece by one the leading publication for the industry, Maldives Hotelier – “Marketing and Differentiation: How do you choose?” It discusses a principle at the heart of good marketing, the destination of the the Maldives itself and any self-respecting resort – “distinction”. A big nod to Seth Godin “Purple Cow” thinking about being “remarkable” as well as other tips I have noted during my travels here and elsewhere. And all about finding both the gems on your property as well as *being* the best resort for maybe not everyone, but certainly for many.