Best of the Maldives: Maldivian Scenes – Hideaway Beach / Conrad Rangali

Hideaway Beach - Maldives art 1

Portraits of the Maldives using a more conventional medium are the latest highlight at Hideaway Beach. The décor in their newly launched Deluxe Sunset Beach Villa features commission by Eagan Badeeu

“Eagan Badeeu is a prominent local artist and Maldivian national treasure, his works mainly focus on abstract or impressionist seascapes and landscapes”

They have an impressionistic feel with a rich texture, colour and light. His work can also be found at Conrad Rangali.

Hideaway Beach - Maldives art 2

Hideaway Beach - Maldives art 3

Best of the Maldives: Towel Animals – LUX South Ari Atoll

LUX South Ari Atoll - towl animals 1

LUX South Ari Atoll has a different pageant of bathing cuties. I’ve seen a few towel art creatures at resorts, but LUX has produced an entire menagerie of them…

“The towel art done by Shareef and Ali. Started as a way to entertain children on the island and to surprise them with little towel toys upon their return to the villas. Based on our guests’ feedback, we came to know that those towel toys started to replace the children’s comfort toys (that in most case got left behind at home) making their time on the island more enjoyable. Shareef has been working in housekeeping since more than 13 years, 3 of which at LUX*. Towel art is now part of his daily routine, it takes an average of 15 minutes for him to create a little elephant, turtle or even a whale shark. He also takes persona responsibility in teaching this trick of the trade to the guests wanting to learn. Shareef did not learn how to make these great towel sculptures anywhere, he tries over and over again until he gets the perfect shape – it’s pure ‘learning by doing’.”

The line above pictured above includes…

  • Rear row – penguin, swans, flower, elephant
  • Front row – snake, lion, donkey, elephant seating, turtle

LUX’s creativity has inspired me to add a new board to the Maldives Complete Pinterest for “Maldives Towel Art”.

LUX South Ari Atoll - towel animals 2

LUX South Ari Atoll - towell lily

Best of the Maldives: Largest Round Tub – Zitahli Kudafunafaru

Zitahli Kudafunafaru - tub

If size does matter to you, then the Zitahli Kudafunafaru tub is the soak for you. Not just wide, but deep. At nearly 2 metres, I am not a small guy and I could barely keep my head above water. It was like a little indoor swimming pool (small children could do laps in this pool).

It’s all part of the Kudafunafaru expansiveness. The villas a quite substantial for their relatively modest 4.5 rack rates (the resort is in the top 5 for lowest cost per square metre in the 4.5 star category). Like a giant ceramic caldron to simmer away whatever the stresses remain after a day of lounging in the Maldivian sun.

15 Romantic Suds

Atmosphere Kanifushi - tub

Happy Valentines Day sweethearts everywhere.  But especially in that global hotbed of romantic paradise, the Maldives

Get your clothes off for a hot and steamy, sensual delight, with a touch of perfume, bubbly, and flower petals. Yes, a romantic bubble bath. Here’s a not-so-dirty dozen of the best in the Maldives…

I’ve also added a “Maldives Tub Art” board to the Maldives Complete Pinterest so I can add more sexy suds as I find them.


1. Atmosphere Kanifushi [above]

2. Cheval Blanc Randheli
Cheval Blanc Randeli tub

3. Vakarufalhi
Vakarufalhi - tub

4. Coco Bodu Hithi (thanks Paola)
Coco Bodu Hithi - tub

5. One & Only Reethi Rah
One & Only Reethi Rah - tub

6. Centara Ras Fushi
Centara Ras Fushi - tub

7. Kuramathi
Kuramathi - tub

8. Anantara Kihavah
Anantara Kihavah Villas - tub

9. Amilla Fushi
Amilla Fushi - tub

10.  Centara Grand
Centara Grand - tub

11. Loama Maamagili
Loama Maamagili - tub

12. Sun Siyam Irufushi
Sun Siyam Irufushi - tub

13. Hideaway Beach
Hideaway Beach - tub

14. Zitahli Kudafunafaru
Zitahli Kudafunafaru - tub decor

15. Four Seasons Kuda Huraa

Best of the Maldives: Brioche French Toast – Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru

Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru - brioche French Toast

Who put the “French” in French toast?

I’m always surprised there is not more brioche served in the Maldives at the high end resorts. It is a truly elegant bread. A staple with the delicacy of foie gras. And often the way the trendy London gourmet burger bistros decadently dress up their ground beef in order to charge $30 for it.

Or for breakfast – well, any time really, slathered with Nutella. Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru’s breakfast features a brioche French toast garnished with candied orange peel. More “Pain Doré” than “Pain Perdu” (Both are the French words for “French Toast – I guess they don’t call it “Our Toast”. “Pain Doré” translates to “Golden Bread” while “Pain Perdu”, the more prevalent name, means “Lost Bread” referring the dishes ability to resurrect old or stale bread). Maybe just a little dollop of Nutella…

A bit of research found that Gili Lankanfushi also serves brioche French toast, but I will give this nosh nod to Landaa for their mouth watering treat tweet.

Best of the Maldives: Unexpected Breakfast Item – Velaa

Velaa - breakfast octopus

In my day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace.” – Ursula, The Sea Witch

I’ve seen a lot of fare offered up on the smorgasbord that is the Maldives buffets. But first time I encountered fresh, octopus sashimi (or as our young son called it “Sea Witch” from Ariel) was at Velaa’s expansive breakfast banquet. Fantastical.

Witch food are you eating for breakfast??

Best of the Maldives: Breakfast Sashimi Bar – Sun Siyam Irufushi

Sun Siyam Irufushi - sashimi bar 1

If you want to celebrate today’s national day of the land of the Rising Sun straight from the rise of the sun, then Sun Siyam Irufushi offers a fresh a Sashimi Bar at its breakfast buffet. Our Japan blogging son Chase (chip off the old block) would have loved this option. He savours Japanese culture, adores sushi and sashimi, and ordered it the most often when we visited the Maldives as a family. The profusion of fresh fish in the neighbourhood make this culinary favourite a treat the whole day long.


Sun Siyam Irufushi - sashimi bar 2

Best of the Maldives: Pancake Characters – LUX Maldives

LUX Maldives - pancake whale shark

The Maldives is full of colour and that includes colourful individuals. At LUX Maldives, you can get these characters on your plate, and I don’t mean in a Sebastian “Under da’ Sea” way. Their pâtissier du pancake Rahmat has taken griddle art to a new level of virtuosity. To celebrate yesterday’s Pancake Day, his portraits included Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (directly below) and Iron Man (next photo down). At bottom you can see him working on Flipper. But, especially being LUX, the big star of the show was Whale Shark (see above).

Flippin’ fine fritter critters!

LUX Maldives - pancake Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle


LUX Maldives - pancake Ironman


LUX Maldives - pancake dolphin

Best of the Maldives: Watermelon Carving – Komandoo

Komandoo - Watermelon carving

Happy Year of the Monkey! Chinese will be celebrating all the new year all around the world with feasts and parties. And exquisite decorations and artistry like Komandoo’s carved watermelon. Particularly appropriate with its lucky red hue. Red is considered the most auspicious of colours as children are given New Year’s gift in red envelopes, the streets are decorated with red lanterns, and diamond-shaped paper cut-outs are done with red paper.

It turns out there are also a bunch things the Chinese won’t be doing, that are considered bad luck at this time, like taking medicine (first day), eating porridge, washing hair and using sharp objects.

The Chinese celebrate with all sorts of traditions from the well-known fireworks and dragon dances, to less familiar reunion dinners and new year paintings. To fit it all in, they have 16 days of celebrations. And some will slip away for a few days holiday. And the favourite destination in the world for the Chinese is the Maldives according to a recent survey – “Maldives tops list of Chinese tourists’ favorite island spots”. Another “Best in the World” for the Maldives…”Best in the World for Chinese Tourists”.

恭喜发财 / 恭喜發財