Best of the Maldives: Wedding Coach – LUX* Maldives

LUX Maldives orchid

Most couples coming to the Maldives have a different sort of ‘elegant reception’ on their minds either having just arrived from one at their wedding or planning a special one at the Maldives. Some people like to have everything done for them by a wedding planner and others like to do all the preparation themselves. But sometimes, you want something in between. A personal touch of hands-on with the guidance of an expert who can spur ideas and thwart rookie errors.

My sister Sharyl Stropkay offers that sort of service for interior design for people who want to lend their own touch and apply their creativity, but need guidance about fundamentals as well as tricks and tips and it is very popular.

LUX* Maldives offer sjust such a ‘wedding coach’ service…

“Rather than rely on a professional wedding planner, some couples may prefer to use their own talents to produce a creative and more personal wedding. LUX* will support such individuals by helping them to imagine a design their own unique celebration.”

For example, LUX* Maldives have an orchid nursery so that you can go into it and design your own bouquet. They also once cleared one of their main island bars to create a special beach disco because that was the couple’s dream.

Best of the Maldives: Elegant Reception – Sun Island

Sun Island lounge 2

The fashion is all minimalist modern style in the Maldives as the moment. It does suit the diminutive and natural ambience of the islands natural beauty. But Sun Island’s old school rococo elegance of its reception evokes a bygone subcontinental era of Rajs and palatial splendour. Their sofas exude this opulence as do the other rich décor in their air conditioned lounge. When my wife and I arrived, it took us by surprise for its unconventional luxury and we thoroughly enjoyed this twist on sumptuous reception. It’s not classic Maldives, but it is classic.

Best of the Maldives: Bath Decoration – One & Only Reethi Rah

Reethi Rah bath decoration


The latest celebrity Maldives visit (also in a ‘family way’) is Marvin and Rochelle Humes. No surprise that they too are staying at Reethi Rah. Daily Mail coverage included a pic of their bath decoration. Petals in the bath water are de rigeur for romantic spa experiences, but Reethi has gone a step further applying this time honoured bed decoration to the other most relaxing (and at time romantic) part of a villa.

Not All Sunsets and Bed Petals

Divorce Day

Unhappy Divorce Day?

  • “Divorce day is the lawyers’ nickname for January 3 when unloving couples return from the compulsory cheerfulness of Christmas holidays determined to seek new and separate lives in the New Year.”

Normally, I try to focus quite strongly on the resorts in the Maldives and not get into current affairs, culture, history or other aspects to this distinctive nation. Only the bits that the visitors face. If you want some insights into these other areas from a real insider, then, conversely, these subjects are precisely what Adrian Neville does focus on in the blog on his resort site Seven Holidays). But this recent news items, tweeted by Island Chic, was just too intriguing in its irony not to mention.

Apparently, the most romantic place on earth, where every day is a honeymoon in your backyard, is no guarantee to marital bliss. Not even the cupid’s arrow of sumptuous sunsets can guarantee nuptial eternity. The article ‘Top 10 Countries With The Highest Divorce Rate’ reports that the Maldives is not just the highest divorce rate in the world, but it beats out the runner-up (Belarus) by over a factor of two!

I suspect that part of the reason is the distortion of small numbers (when you have such a small population sample, then minor deviations have big effects on the percentages).


Best of the Maldives: Photo Shack – LUX* Maldives

LUX Maldives photo shack 1

You don’t have to be a pro to set, shoot and share this Kodak beauty spot at LUX* Maldives. They have installed a ‘Photo Shack’ which is completely automated (and free of charge) if you prefer a more multimedia greeting. Set at a picturesque part of the island, covered in palms to shade the eyes, it’s like a photo booth that takes free photos.

“We all love a bit of nostalgic fun especially when we’re at the seaside, so we’re inviting you and your family to squeeze into one of our digital photo booths for a spontaneous, happy snappy photo shoot. But don’t expect the grubby metal boxes that you are used to in shopping malls and railway stations. Houses in chic wooden shacks, our booths are painted in vibrant colours, so when you happen across one, be prepared to relax and pull some silly faces. You can print your photos too and this very clever photo shack will even send the photo to your Facebook account to share with your friends.”

Easy holiday greetings all year round. And, you have an option to post them to Facebook. Like!

LUX Maldives photo shark 2

Best of the Maldives: Phone Home – LUX* Maldives

LUX Maldives phone booth

If there is one day that you phone home it is typically New Year’s Day to wish your loved ones a Happy 2013. Last night, we had trouble getting our text messages to send because even the text traffic was jammed with well wishes.

For everyone sequestered away in the tropical spendor of the Maldives for their New Years, LUX* Maldives has a clever, colourful and considerate solution…a free phone booth. You can call anywhere in the world and talk as long as you like…

“Hotels used to profit from overpriced international phone calls before mobile phones tipped the balance back in favour of the guest. Now it the mobile phone networks who are cashing in as they charge an arm and a leg for roaming. We believe that holidays should be stress free, which is why if you explore our grounds you’ll find an old telephone box that houses a VOIP phone, which will let you make international calls free of charge.”

When I was at LUX* Maldives, I tried out the service (see above photo) to phone home and say hi to everyone and it worked a treat.

A most happy and paradise filled New Year to all the Maldives Complete supporters.