Best of the Maldives: Round Glass Bottom Sink – Dhawa Ihuru

Dhawa  Ihuru - glass bottom sink

I love a creative sink. We are in the midst of remodelling our current house and looking at fun sink designs. Our previous home had glass sinks in the master bath, but I was especially enchanted by Dhawa Ihuru’s “glass bottom” sinks. I had come across one before, but I liked this one so much as well that I decided to give it a post distinguished (perhaps somewhat trivially) by its shape. With all sorts of glass bottom boats, canoes, floats, etc in the water sports centers, it seems only fitting to have a glass-bottom in the water closet.

Best of the Maldives: “Bucket” List – Soneva Jani

Soneva Jani - bucket sink

The Maldives is one of those ever-present bucket-list destinations, and it turns out that Soneva Jani literally puts the ‘bucket’ into this ‘bucket list’ paradise. First of all, their main restaurant is outfitted with a quirky sink made from a bucket (and I always appreciate an inventive wash basin). But also, their crab shack outlet featured two distinctive beverage “buckets”. While we all know about the commonplace, “wine bucket” to keep your bottle cold by your table, Soneva Jani had a “beer bucket” for your bottle of beer. They also had a special “wine glass bucket” which kept your glass of wine chilled during your meal. All great fun and very practical as well.

Soneva Jani - beer bucket

Soneva Jani - drink bucket

Best of the Maldives: Fountain Sink – Dhawa Iruhu

I love a creative sink and this one at Dhawa Ihuru strikes a particularlty personal chord. When we remodelled our home, I designed a “fountain sink” where water from the faucet flowed onto a flat marble slab which then cascaded into a basin on the floor creating a waterfall effect. Such designs are particularly apropos in the water wonderland that is the Maldives. Ihuru’s version takes flowing water concept to the next level with a little rivulet of water trickling into the basin.

Best of the Maldives: Sinks – Soneva Jani

Soneva Jani - bucket sink

I love a creative sink. I have been featuring them for a while here, and we designed our own ‘cantilever’ marble waterfall sink in our previous house. Soneva Jani provides not just another addition to my wash basin compendium, but three distinctively designed ones. A converted literal basin, a subtle carved wooden plank, and a glass bowl (which we also had in our master bedroom at home).

Soneva Jani - sink

Soneva Jani - sink 2

Best of the Maldives: Curvy Sink – LUX North Male Atoll

LUX North Male Atoll - curvy sink

World Sculpture Day today. In the Maldives, one of the most common places for sculptural aesthetic are the luxurious bathrooms in the super premium properties. I’m a bit of a sink aficionado, so I was immediately enchanted by LUX North Male Atoll’s sink which combined a long, sinewy faucet over an elegantly carved wooden basin.

Slinky sink.


Best of the Maldives: Kids Bathroom – JA Manafaru

JA Manafaru - kids toilet

Maldives kids clubs are packed with miniature versions of the amenities their grown-up parents enjoy during their stay. One of the focal points of luxury in the resort villas are the lavish bathrooms. And JA Manafaru is no less accommodating to its kids club patrons with a restroom designed with their pint-sized scale in mind. A great example of knowing your customer and optimising the customer experience. I bet the kids feel like great big boys and girls when they use the Manafaru loo (and I felt like the Jolly Green Giant).

JA Manafaru - kids sink

Best of the Maldives: Drench Sink – Shangri-La Villingili

Shangri-La Villingili - drench sink

What I get to uncover on my Maldives tours are the smaller details that really give a resort distinction. While the resort PR departments are all keen to promote their latest Michelin star chef or butler concierge service, these smaller touches are just as likely to impress the guest with a bit of “wow” factor. As any designer will appreciate, it’s the fixtures and fittings which set a property apart.

If imitation is the best form of flattery, then Shangri-La Villingili’s drench sinks get that highest praise. Lori and I have just sold our house and we are about to embark on building our next dream home. Of all the creative and extravagant features we have found in the luxurious world of the Maldives resorts, the one I am going to steal for our next house is Villingili’s sinks.

Drench showers are starting to make their way to the top resorts. They are the latest in the evolution of a sybaritic soaking that started with the introduction of power massage showers and then moved onto rain showers. I’ve seen several of the drench showers, but Villingili was the first drench sink I’ve come across. There is something deliciously sensual about a wafer thin sheet of water cascading silkily over your hands. An unsung water feature in the land of exceptional water spectacles.