Best of the Maldives: Slides – Soneva Jani

Soneva Jani - slide

If you want to frolic in the octopus’ garden, then Soneva Jani has taken water villa slides to the next level. Not only are they higher and longer than previous water villas slides, they are installed most water villas as well as a public area on at “The Gathering” hub. About time I added a Slide” tag. Below is Lori enjoying a thrilling ride during our stay at Soneva Jani.

Best of the Maldives: Vegan Seafood – Amilla

Amilla - vegan seafood

We marvel at our daughter’s vegan discipline as that culinary lifestyle seems so limited. It seems all pulse and veggie stews. But Amilla Maldives features gourmet vegan “seafood” that would tempt us omnivores. The ingredients are based on a soy and meal recipe which with creates both the flavours and feel of range of seafood specialties.

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