Best of the Maldives: Healer – Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi healer

A segue from “sole cleansing” to “soul cleansing” (or even more unpardonable, from “heeling” to “healing”), as Soneva Fushi introduces its own Healer in Residence, Jaqueline Bourbon. She is described as a “leader in enlightening wellness experiences

“Soneva Fushi is proud to welcome Jacqueline Bourbon, its very own ‘Healer in Residence’…A fully qualified Medium, Spiritual and Shamanic Healer and Teacher, Jacqueline will offer her services to resort guests on a one-to-one basis by performing treatments such private sittings, energy readings and healing, spiritual assessments and traditional Tibetan Sound Healing…’Eva and I have worked with Jacqueline for a couple of years, and have witnessed quite how often she has a positive and life-altering affect on guests, even the most cynical ones. She is one of those highly intuitive people that come into your life rarely. She is brilliant at unlocking the past and setting people back on track for a far healthier and happier life,’ commented Sonu Shivdasani, CEO and Chairman of the Soneva Group…Jacqueline’s healing works on many levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.”

If there was ever a place for a “positive and life-altering affect” it would be the Maldives…