Best of the Maldives: Bird Not-Nest Swinging Chair – Joali

Joali - birdnest swing

In the Maldives, the more leisurely way to swing from the trees is lounging in one of their many swings swaying to the ocean breeze. I remember when I came across the first “birdsnest” swing a decade ago. Now they are common fare across the destination. Recently opened Joali literally does put the “bird” in “birdsnest swing” with its giant Heron head designed by Cape Town-based Porky Hefer.  The plaque beside the piece reads, “Very often, birds are the first visitors or residents on the islands.  This one migrated from Africa.  Kara prefers the Maldivian weather and cuisine.  Kara has decided to stay.”



Best of the Maldives: Positive Message Hangers – Joali

Joali - message hangers

When I first started the “Best of the Maldives” series on Maldives Complete nearly a decade ago (very nearly!), I wanted to find and call out some of the truly distinctive touches that resorts had. I didn’t want to (re)write the same glossy article about palm trees and pina coladas that every celebrity comp article writes. When I spoke with folks about this angle, I often used the “clothes hanger” example citing Gili Lankanfushi’s unique bamboo ones which provided a subtle touch of natural materials used in a stylish way. Now Joali has introduced its own creative hangers with “feel good” messages inscribed on each of them (thanks Paola). Who knew when I started focusing on such attentive details that not only would I end up writing about “clothes hangers”, but would write about multiple variations on just that item? 

I wonder if one says “My bum does not look big in this.”