Maldives Superfan

Seth Godin super fans

  • “A labor of love. That’s magical. To have the resources to expend labor on something that fills us with joy. If you’re lucky enough to encounter this, perhaps it makes sense not to confuse the issue by also trying to turn it into labor for maximum profit.” – Seth Godin

The Wall Street Journal featured the piece “What Superfans Know That the Rest of Us Should Learn” which captured another perspective on my expensive hobby of keeping Maldives Complete going…

  • “The experience, known as ‘collective effervescence,’ can feel transcendent…I think it has to do with wanting something in our lives that we can lose ourselves in. At a time of increasing polarization and cynicism—not to mention that coming election—it’s an especially wondrous connection.” – Paul Booth, a professor of media and pop culture at DePaul University
  • “Fandom asks us to latch ourselves to something outside of us, to allow a person or object we don’t have control over to become part of our identities…the heart of a fandom – you care a lot.’.” – Tara Block

HT to Gapingvoid “What If Work Loved Us Back” who cited the piece…

  • “A Superfan is someone who allows what normally would be a minor interest, to become a major pillar of their identity… Superfans unabashedly find their tribe, and in doing so tap into something that transcends the ordinary.”

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