Maldives Complete-ly by the Numbers 2024

Complete-ly by the numbers 2024

Happy 16th Anniversary to Maldives Complete. The site motors along – resorts sending me material, fans sending me “Best Ofs” they’ve spotted, prospective guests sending kudos as well as queries for their trip planning. It’s still an expensive endeavour for the site maintenance, hosting, and research trips.

One of the costs of its longevity is legacy technology. When I developed it on active server pages, it was the state of the art for the web. Now, I needed upgrade my machine which forced me into full 64-bit mode (no more 32-bit emulation), which meant completely new versions of various applications, which meant that lots of the tools I had come to rely on for site development and maintenance no longer worked. So I had to embark on a two-month technical project to upgrade all my tools and the code for the site.

Social media engagement has completely plateaued (and thinking of dropping Twitter, aka X, completely because it is so useless for small properties and just geared to big players (and people kibbitzing the big guys). After the surge of the late teens (2015-2018) where there was double-digit net new (ie. the new resorts minus the ones taken out of commission for refurb or just shut down) resorts online, the growth plummeted during the COVID years, but has now hit double-digits again for the first time in 6 years.

The blogging has tapered to a pretty steady “every 3 days” pace, when earlier in its history it has been mostly every other day and very early, nearly every day.

I appreciate all of the support from the destination fans and industry.

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