Best of the Maldives: Cylindrical Table Tennis – The Standard

The trademark of this blog has been identifying distinctive features at Maldives resorts. Things I have never seen in my 20+ years of visiting over 120 properties there. In my online research and other world travels, I sometimes I also come across distinctive things I also haven’t seen in the Maldives. This particular item at The Standard, I have not seen in the Maldives, not come across elsewhere in the world, and in fact, didn’t even know such a thing existed. In fact, if you told me that it did exist, I still would have trouble conceiving it. But not as much trouble as I had playing it! In fact, as the video above demonstrates, it seems near impossible to play. And I’ve played a fair amount of table tennis in my time having a table in our basement growing up and in our adult home. Playing it for a little while, I think the objective of the game is not really competitive and getting the ball past your “opponent”, but rather collaborative in terms of striving to see how long a rally can continue before the crazy, three-dimensional randomness prevails.

2 Thoughts on “Best of the Maldives: Cylindrical Table Tennis – The Standard

  1. Elisabeth Jeffers on August 31, 2024 at 1:43 pm said:

    Dear Bruce,
    my husband and I stumbled across your blog and we are simply amazed by the vast experience you have with traveling the Maldives. First hand information like your content is rare and we really appreciate your blog posts!
    Since we are planning our second trip to Maldives after we fell in love with the area on our Honeymoon, we would love to hear your opinion on two aspects. Most likely this would really facilitate the quite difficult decision on which resort/island to explore next.

    When comparing Lily Beach, Coco Budo Hithi, Reethi Faru and NH Havodda, do you have a clear favorite regarding 1) snorkeling experience/biodiversity and 2) dining?

    Also it would be interesting to know, how often throughout your numerous stays you chose to travel between November/December and how lucky you were with the weather in that season?

    We would really appreciate some expert insights from you (if you find the time for a response)!
    Best regards
    Elisabeth & Daniel

    • Thank you for the kind words.
      We’ve stayed at Lily Beach, Coco Bodu Hithi and Reethi Faru, but Lily and Coco were quite some time ago. Lily is hands down the top snorkeling, but CBH and RF are quite good. Lily is also the best food, but CBH is close behind and not so much RF.
      We’ve been once in November and got one day of

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