Best of the Maldives: Convenient Kids Club – Cora Cora

Cora Cora - accessible kids club

Anyone taking their children on a holiday in the Maldives (which is an ever increasing number) is certainly keen on sharing their company. But sometimes kids want a break from the parents and visa-versa. Most of the time, the resort kids clubs are tucked away in some remote section of the island interior, but Cora Cora has positioned its kids club right in the center of the action. The club has its own water view (which only a few other kids clubs have). It is near the pool, reception and several restaurants so close to where the parents might be hanging out (“Adults Club”?) savouring a cocktail or lounging by the pool. It is easy for the anxious parents to pop over to check in on the children, or for the kids club staff to get the parents if they are needed. And it is easy for anxious children to be comforted by the notion that mom and dad are “just over there”.

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